Request to be relieved of duties and responsibilities as Spool’s Lead Contributor (Simon)

A lot of things have happened since I joined Spool at the beginning of 2022 as its first contributor. We have seen the shipment of Spool v1 right at the end of the bear market, the release of Arbitrum, a redoubling of efforts during the bear in order to make the pivot to serving other protocols, fintechs and B2B clients in general. At the start of 2024 we finally managed to take v2 to market after a longer than expected development time and we saw immediate success with large partners such as Drip, Ledger or Consensys.

Our product team has managed to do the unthinkable and slimmed down while shipping more strategies and features than ever before thanks to everyone on the dev side and especially our Lead Product Contributor Konstantin.

I could not be more proud of what the team has achieved over the past two and a half years and especially with the full turnaround we have performed during the last 9 months. I had the pleasure of working with people I deeply respect and many of them I can truly call friends.

Nothing is forever and spending almost 30 months in one position within Crypto is a very long time. While I love my team and what we do, there comes a time to move on.
This time has come for me. I want to spend more time with my wife and pursue other things professionally.

I ask the DAO to vote to relieve me of my duties, obligations and responsibilities at Spool.
As laid out in SIP 1.45 (Snapshot), I will perform a complete handover of all assets, access to relevant accounts and anything else I have control over to the interim leadership team coming in from the original builders (Michal Uhlarik and Yaroslav Writtle) over the month following the passing of this proposal in order to ensure a smooth continuation of operations. At the end of the handover period I will write a formal farewell to the partners I have been taking care of and remove myself from the relevant Telegram groups.

With Michal and Yaroslav, Spool will be in good hands until a formal vote for new leadership is put in place as laid out in SIP 1.45.

I want to thank you all for the amazing years we had together.

Please vote here and keep in mind that according to SIP 1.45 as well as the UN human rights charter, no contributor can be forced to stay and I will take my leave either way :wink:

  • Yes: Relieve Simon Schaber of all duties and responsibilities as Spool’s Lead Contributor under these terms
  • No: Do not relieve Simon Schaber of all duties and responsibilities as Spool’s Lead Contributor under these terms


SIP 1.45 clause n): If the DAO votes to remove a person from an operational position, at least 1 but not more than 2 months’ notice shall be given from the conclusion of the Snapshot vote to ensure a smooth handover process as well as to ensure they have time to make arrangements around their termination. This notice period shall not be required if the reason found for the removal is gross misconduct by the individual in question.


New Proposal here