Assign JJ as CMO for Spool [SIP - 1.44]

(Disclaimer: this vote is a copy of a community proposal and the wording and statements are not from the team)

Summary :bookmark_tabs:

Assign JJ (Jacopo) as the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) for Spool DAO.

Background :dart:

JJ started working at Spool in February 2022 and acted as a CMO until May 2022. In those three months, he assembled the first marketing team for the project, organized the marketing campaign for the launch of Spool V1 (that happened in April), contributed to keeping the token price in a range between $3-$4 despite the start of the bear market and saw the TVR grow and reach the ATH of roughly $70M (excluding the DAO treasury).

In May 2022 a new CMO was appointed and JJ stepped down and kept working hard in the background as the Head of Blockchain Marketing while also overseeing (together with the CMO) the UI/UX design of V2.

When the CMO resigned in late February 2023, JJ led the Arbitrum campaign for Spool and the initial teasers of V2 until May 2023, taking care of the comarketing with partners and overseeing the social media among other activities. During these 3 months, Spool marketing was particularly active and the token price moved from $0.26 to roughly $1.

He is currently working in the marketing team in the background.

Proposal :mailbox:

Assign JJ as the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)

Monthly Compensation: $9000 USDC + 3500 SPOOL tokens as a bonus with the contingency that the bonus is subjected to KPIs to be proposed and voted on by the SpoolDAO community.

Areas of Responsibility:
The CMO will generally be responsible for a hard-working and efficient marketing team within Spool. This includes:

  • Define and oversee all Spool marketing activities
  • Build and manage the right marketing strategy and structure for Spool
  • Organise and supervise comarketing with partners (brought by the BD team), PR (if needed), AMAs and interviews
  • Bring relevant leads to the BD team
  • Oversee marketing processes and execution
  • Third-party marketing agreements: agencies, KOLs, service providers, etc.
  • Organise and attend industry events as needed
  • Marketing team recruitment, management, and training
  • Establish marketing policies that promote Spool and its vision.

In endorsing JJ, the community advocates for an individual with proven dedication, extensive experience, and a deep commitment to elevating Spool. Your trust and support in him would not only be an acknowledgment of his past efforts but also an investment in Spool’s future.

If you have any questions for JJ, you can dm him on Discord @JJ

There will be an AMA with JJ on Friday. The exact time will be announced in the gov forum and on Discord when an appropriate time with the community is found.

Vote :ballot_box:

With “Yes” you vote for hiring JJ as CMO for Spool DAO, with “No” you are against this hire.

The vote takes place here

Timeline :clock130:


The original proposal and first discussions on this topic can be found in the temperature-check channel in Discord starting here.

Join us for a Discord AMA with JJ.
:timer_clock: Friday, October 13, 6:00 PM UTC+2

JJ will reply all of your questions and expand on his marketing vision for Spool.

Can’t make it? Don’t worry, leave a comment with your question(s) and JJ will address them. A recording will be made available afterward.

Sign up for the event in the Discord calendar:

Kind regards,

Question(s) for JJ:

Given the marketing vision/strategy Ian has been executing for spool, how does that align with your vision/strategy? Will you be fundamentally changing this or is it more about widening it to include retail?

In your opinion regarding marketing, what needs improvement and how will you realise this?

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Thank you for your questions.

Questions(s) for JJ:

  1. What is your understanding of what a CMO role is?

  2. Outside of this role, what’s your overall career experience that qualifies you for the role?

  3. How many teams have you managed in the past and what were their sizes and individual roles?

  4. What do you think are Spool’s main goals as a company, and what are the KPIs attached to each of those goals?

This vote concluded with “no”.