Assign Ian as CMO for Spool [SIP - 1.43]

Summary :bookmark_tabs:

Assign Ian as the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) for Spool DAO.

Background :dart:

Starting May 3rd 2023 Ian has worked as the Head of Marketing under the interim CMO for Spool. During this time he has fine-tuned the organisational structure for the marketing team and started implementing the overall new Spool marketing strategy, including:

  • Overall marketing strategy plan setup and execution
  • New Spool branding
  • New website design and architecture
  • Planning and management of the Spool V2 launch
  • Marketing team management, recruitment and training
  • Third-party marketing agreements: agencies, PR, KOLs

Proposal :mailbox:

Assign Ian as the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)

Monthly Compensation: $10,833 USDC + 3500 SPOOL tokens as a bonus (bonus subject to KPIs).

Areas of Responsibility:

In general, the CMO will be responsible for a streamlined and efficient marketing team within Spool. This includes:

  • Define and oversee all Spool marketing activities
  • Build and manage the marketing strategy and structure for Spool
  • Oversee marketing processes and execution
  • Third-party marketing agreements: agencies, KOLs, service providers, etc.
  • Organise and attend industry events as needed
  • Marketing team management, recruitment and training
  • Establish marketing policies that promote the company and its vision
  • Organise and supervise all external PR, AMAs and interviews

Vote :ballot_box:

With β€œYes” you vote for hiring Ian as CMO for Spool DAO, with β€œNo” you are against this hire.

The vote takes place here

Timeline :clock130:


This vote concluded with β€œno”.