Move ETH/SPOOL pool funds from Ethereum to Arbitrum [SIP - 1.29]

Summary :bookmark_tabs:

The liquidity deployed from SIP - 1.23 in a SPOOL/ETH pool shall be removed, bridged, and moved to Arbitrum.

Proposal :mailbox:

Remove the SPOOL/ETH Liquidity from Uniswap on Ethereum Mainnet.
Deploy the exact same amount of liquidity to the decentralized exchange on Arbitrum, paired with the $100k from SIP - 1.27.

Motivation :fire:

Liquidity is an essential factor in financial markets and Spool DAO should aim for using DAO-provided liquidity as efficiently as possible. With the recent move of Spool to Arbitrum and the vote last week about bridging our token to this Layer 2 chain, the liquidity position there should be increased to cater to upcoming interests.

Vote :ballot_box:

With β€œYes” you vote to move the DAO-provided SPOOL/ETH liquidity from Ethereum to Arbitrum, with β€œNo” you vote against this.

The vote takes place here

Timeline :clock130:


Note: To move rather quickly with this topic, this is a vote with a shorter voting period than usual.

The vote ended with β€œYes”.

Thanks to everyone who voted!